Customers Can’t Stop Talking About Our Products and Installations!

Each day we strive to provide you with the highest quality products and installation services in the area. We know you have a lot of choices, and we’re honored that you’ve chosen us. Our customer base has grown significantly over the years because of the reputation we’ve gained through customers shining reviews and word of mouth recommendations. But, you don’t have to take our word for it. Read what other customers have to say about their experience working with Madison Window & Doors. Contact Us Today!
“We wish to thank the company for such professional workmanship and courtesy given to us in completing the window installation and repairs at our home. As always we will continue to refer customers to you.”
– Mary Lynn and Bob Cummings
“I wanted to let you know how impressed I was with your installers that came to my house. How dedicated they were, and what a wonderful job they did.“
– Doris Cruscavage
“Big thanks to Madison Window & Doors of Bainbridge for replacing my defective window with a new one. Special thanks to Dan Kurtz and his experienced crew for a fantastic installation job. I highly recommend Madison Window & Doors for replacement windows. They stand by their warranty.“
– Hector Reindeau

“Thank you SOOO much for the work you completed on the windows of our home. Ian did an outstanding job, and we are more than pleased with his work and craftsmanship. We have never seen such excellent detail work, and he was polite and professional while he was here. If you ever need a reference for future customers, please keep us in mind, we are more than glad to share our positive experience with your agency. This has been the third time you have done work for us, and each time we are more and more impressed. Thank you for all you do. You give an amazing testimony of service to others.” – Justin and Stacie Fitzgerald
“We’ve been meaning to write this letter for a while now and haven’t gotten around to it. We’re sure that if you have a customer who isn’t completely satisfied, you hear about it quickly. We thought you would also want to hear from those who are extremely happy with your service and product. First of all, we can’t image how a crew installing windows could have done a better job. Aside from doing a great job putting in the windows, your crew, led by William, was friendly, helpful and neater than anyone we’ve ever had do a job for us on the house. A complete cleanup each afternoon was helpful in allowing us to set up for the next days work. After living with the windows for about seven months now, we have not found a single flaw in the windows themselves, or in how they were installed. .
There are some benefits that we’ve received from the windows that we expected, such as the absence of drafts, less heat escaping, and the simple fact that they open and close so well and are easy to clean. However, there were also some benefits that we didn’t expect, and I thought that you might be interested in hearing them since they might be selling points that you don’t normally think of, but might be useful, especially with customers living in older houses. First, we found that the house seemed to be cooler in the summer, without the benefit of air conditioning. We have a large house, which holds the cooler night temperatures well, but this seems to have improved with the new windows. Secondly, we have found that we no longer hear sounds from outside – traffic, wind – at the same levels. The house is now quieter. An interesting third benefit that we had not expected has to do with cluster flies. We have always had a cluster fly problem. It’s hard to to tell from just this one fall – winter season, but the number of cluster flies seems to have decreased by about 75%. A fourth benefit also surprised us. This winter we have a skunk living somewhere in our neighborhood. In the past if a skunk sprayed anywhere near the house, we could immediately smell it inside. This year, although there might be a strong odor of skunk right outside our door, we don’t smell it at all inside. Finally, as a photographer, I have now found that I can shoot pictures of the birds coming into our feeders right through the windows, rather than having to be out on the porch. This comes in handy when the temperature is 15 degrees out.
So, as you can see we have received even more benefit from this renovation than we expected, and wanted to let you know how happy we’ve been with this project.” – Don and Jan Gersh
Give us a call at (607) 967-4323 for a free estimate!